
Choices Have Consequences - Choose Wisely!

Message from Rabbi Isser Z. Weisberg

A Vote For Trump Saves Lives


Hmmm...Something To Think About

Let's go a little wild for a few minutes and contemplate the following: What if these assassination attempts against former President Trump are connected to two separate wings of each political party [the power seeking Progressive Left on the Democrat side and the power seeking Neo-Conservative wing of the War Mongering Right within the Republican Party]. Hear me out -- It is obvious that both of these very powerful wings of the two major political parties want Trump out by whatever means possible.....Whatever means! They have already tried to destroy Trump via impeachment X2, investigation after investigation into his personal, private life and all his business and political decisions and actions from the day he was practically born. Then they took him to court over and over and over again, with the sham trials still continuing to this day, just less than two months from the General Election. In all these attempts over the last nearly eight years, they have failed

A Friendly Reminder From Your Uncle Vern


SHABBAT - What's It All About Alfie?

Shabbat! Why? by: Shmuel ben Shalomi Did you know thousands of years ago human beings worked 7 days a week for up to 12 hours per day? The workers (everyone but the privileged priestly and ruling class) were placated to endure heavy labor by the introduction of beer. That's correct! People were paid in beer and bread. Bread to fill their stomachs and beer to numb their minds and bodies to the harsh labor inflicted on them by their particular Elohim (god/gods). Then around 6,000 years ago in Sumer - modern day Iraq - Enlil and Enki (the two most powerful Elohim of the entire planet Earth) introduced the concept of a day of rest giving humans the option to take the opportunity to rest a day or they could continue working for the gods. 2,700 years later this idea of a day of rest became encoded into the Law of a nation called Israel from our Lawgiver Moshe Rabbeinu (our teacher) from the Hebrew's Elohim with the title YHVH. The Shabbat (the 7th day on the Jewish Calen

Are E.T.s A Reality? One Jew's Perspective

Are "Aliens" (Extraterrestrials) a Reality? by: Shmuel ben Shlomi Aside from the query “Is there a God?” there are two other basically difficult questions that appear to lack a viable, cognitive answer; which we human beings find hard to cope with. They are “How high is up?” And, “Do aliens, Extraterrestrials (E.T.) exist?” The first question can never be answered because the Laws of Quantum Physics and Space/Time Relativity help us realize that there is no such thing as up or down in an ever expanding universe, so distances in this regard are meaningless, especially on a subatomic level. The answer to the second question about E.T.s, while complex and difficult may not be quite as hard to deal with, at least on a debatable level for the purpose of discussion. To date we have no empirical data, at least not for consumption by the general public, that can prove one way or the other if non-Earthly sentient life exists somewhere “out there.” We do, however, have ton