
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Lion Is Awake

Over the course of my many decades on planet Earth it has been my pleasure and sometime chagrin to have experienced living in and visiting other nations outside the borders of the United States of America. I have been to free and quasi-free countries like Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Spain and the Philippine Islands. Made visits to and lived in other nations not so free such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, with flyovers of totally totalitarian states like Vietnam and Communist China. In every case the free or quasi-free nations had one thing in common; a sense of freedom among its peoples to go about their lives in relative ease of not fearing their doors to come crashing in on them without notice by government controlled thugs brandishing weapons, dragging the inhabitants to undisclosed locations for interrogation, imprisonment, banishment or even death simply because they may have some point of contention with the narrative of the ruling class in their country. On the other...

An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump, I want to start this short letter to first of all thank you for helping to save what was left of our Constitutional Republic the moment you took office in January 2017. Besides writing to show my personal support for you I also want to give you an uplifting of spirit that not only myself, but countless millions across our nation and yes, even the world, continue praying for you, your family and your administration. Regardless of how this election finally turns out you will always be OUR President. Now to one other matter that I hope you will give serious consideration to. If this election is stolen from you, as I firmly believe is the goal of the radical left Democrats, the Washington D.C. Deep State Swamp, the Republicans In Name Only, the legacy media and big tech; and if after many rounds in the courts it is decided that former Vice President Joe Biden took this election then I would ask that you seriously and thoughtfully consider this: ...