An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump,

I want to start this short letter to first of all thank you for helping to save what was left of our Constitutional Republic the moment you took office in January 2017.

Besides writing to show my personal support for you I also want to give you an uplifting of spirit that not only myself, but countless millions across our nation and yes, even the world, continue praying for you, your family and your administration. Regardless of how this election finally turns out you will always be OUR President.

Now to one other matter that I hope you will give serious consideration to. If this election is stolen from you, as I firmly believe is the goal of the radical left Democrats, the Washington D.C. Deep State Swamp, the Republicans In Name Only, the legacy media and big tech; and if after many rounds in the courts it is decided that former Vice President Joe Biden took this election then I would ask that you seriously and thoughtfully consider this:

1. Gracefully hand over the keys to the White House to Joe Biden for a peaceful transition of power. Do what the Democrats were incapable of doing. That said, should you lose or this election be stolen through fraud I would ask that you not attend the inauguration.

2. Immediately begin the process of creating a new political party called The Patriot Party and encourage all former real conservative politicians currently in office and out of office, as well as every registered conservative Republican to change their registration from Republican to Patriot.

3.Persuade conservative media and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Candace Owens; et al, to also come over to The Patriot Party and be the new media mouthpiece for the party just as the vast legacy media has become the public voice for the radical Marxist left Democrat Party. Also create with your millions of supporters a new media outlet that will combat FAKE NEWS with the truth and expose the traitorous rat bastards in both political parties.

4.Finally, I would ask that you, as leader of this new party would run for the office of President of the United States in 2024.

Thank you Mr. President for taking the time to reflect on what I have presented in this letter,



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