The Lion Is Awake
I have been to free and quasi-free countries like Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Spain and the Philippine Islands. Made visits to and lived in other nations not so free such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, with flyovers of totally totalitarian states like Vietnam and Communist China.
In every case the free or quasi-free nations had one thing in common; a sense of freedom among its peoples to go about their lives in relative ease of not fearing their doors to come crashing in on them without notice by government controlled thugs brandishing weapons, dragging the inhabitants to undisclosed locations for interrogation, imprisonment, banishment or even death simply because they may have some point of contention with the narrative of the ruling class in their country.
On the other hand, it is also a truism that those living in totalitarian States live in a daily fear of just such action which leads to one of three outcomes: either they are compelled to quietly acquiesce and hope they can survive under such harsh scrutiny, flee their homeland in the hopes of finding liberty in a foreign land, or resist and revolt against the tyrannical regime that has put a stranglehold on them and their fellow citizens. Sadly, the majority acquiesce because their fear of repercussions outweighs their love and need for freedom.
What we are witnessing in the United States of America in the later half of 2020 is what I have seen play out in other parts of the world for the over seven decades I have lived. The radical left, which has been slowly and meticulously spreading its diabolical seeds of destruction since the early days of the 20th Century, dating back to the Woodrow Wilson era (circa 1919 at the conclusion of the first World War) has finally taken full root in this early period of the 21st Century. What sprouted wings in the 1960’s on American university and college campuses quietly moved into the classrooms of the elementary and high school teaching curriculum slowly indoctrinating the youthful absorbent mind with radical Marxist, leftist and even shrouded Communist ideology along with a distorted and malicious view of the nation’s own historical past which was framed as an unjust, racially motivated foundation for the growth of the American Empire. Men and women of patriotically inspired fervor such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Ross, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and other greats of the past were painted with a broad brush of systemic racial injustice which automatically placed in the minds of students the idea that the nation’s founding principles and doctrines, such as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were simply for the elite class of land and slave owners and not for We The People.
As strange as that sounds to those of my generation who escaped that brainwashing in public schools it sadly has and is the propagandistic tools of the trade for the modern Left of the nation today.
Is it any wonder, can anyone be surprised at all by what we are now witnessing from the likes of an elected official in the United States Congress like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) or Rep. Ilhan Omar who are actively and boldly calling for the creation of an Enemies List to track and keep tabs on anyone who has openly supported, worked for and even voted for President Donald J. Trump? Why would anyone in a Constitutional Republic need or want such a list except to do what every socialistic and communist led country has done in the past with their enemies lists — round up those on the list, interrogate, lock-up, banish, exile or outright murder any of them they could not brainwash into proper zombie-like citizens of the State, much like we see currently taking place in Hong Kong right now.
Then you have someone like another elected official, who by the way, should know better. A man who has also lived through the era of the Vietnam War, the Cold War with the former Soviet Union and the Cuban missile crisis of the early 1960’s where the U.S. and former Soviet Union was just a hairsbreadth way from total nuclear destruction. New York Senator Chuck Schumer declared after the news media, not the official certification boards of each State, that former Vice President Joe Biden was now the President Elect after a very controversial election on November 3, 2020. While votes were still being counted in at least six questionable States the legacy media and big tech operations like Twitter and Facebook already declared Biden as the 46th President of the United States. Kind of like what took place in Russia a few years back when Putin was declared the leader the moment their polls closed and again in Communist China after Li Keqiang “won” overwhelmingly and was appointed China’s premier for life in 2013.
What Chuck Schumer said was startling to any freedom loving American, which rang a real warning bell and sent out a blazing red flag for patriots of liberty. He boldly stated, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world. We take Georgia, now We Change America!” My question to Senator Schumer is - Change it to what? America is still, at least for the moment, the most free nation on the planet. America has the highest employment rate among all citizens regardless of race, sex, creed, color or educational level. The military veterans of the country are now receiving the best care and commitment from its government and citizens it has ever known since troops returned home from World War II. For the first time in decades the United States is completely energy independent no longer going to the Middle East nations that loathe America with hat in hand pleading for energy reserves. American troops are not being sent to fight wars for who knows what in foreign lands across the globe. In fact, the troops have been coming home in droves. America is now experiencing real fair and balanced trade deals that benefit both sides of the agreements. Those with critical health conditions are now free to try experimental treatments without fear of backlashes from the government or monopolized drug and insurance companies. The United States is spending billions of dollars to get rid of toxic waste and plastics from our oceans with the Trump supported Clean Seas Act. Flint, MI received millions of dollars from the Trump administration to clean and replace its antiquated water treatment system. There will be a vaccine for Covid-19 before the end of 2020 thanks to President Trump’s Warp Speed Initiative. And the list goes on and on. So again I ask Senator Schumer - Change America to what?
Finally, we come to what has been commonly referred to as the Mainstream Media, now known as the Legacy Media or better still, the propaganda arm of the Radical Left run Democrat Party. Just recently CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s blatant on-air statement warning Trump supporters that their future employment might be in jeopardy because of their strong stance for the President. “But at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.” When I read this overt tyrannical statement from someone who is supposed to be an objective news journalist my first thought was - Oh my, Joseph McCarthy would be so proud of Jake Tapper right now. For those who may not know who McCarthy was; briefly he was a Wisconsin Senator from 1947 to 1957 when he died. He is infamous for what has become known as “McCarthyism” which was an effort by some in the government to blacklist those suspected of being communist, especially those in the entertainment business (of which some were but most were not). He developed an enemies list, also known as “Blacklists” to ensure that anyone on that list would never be able to find gainful employment anywhere in the country unless they denounced their ties to the Communist Party of America. As I said, most on those lists were not communists or members of any type of communist or socialist party at the time. Most were simply political enemies of McCarthy and those of his ilk who disagreed with his political ideology. What Mr. Tapper has done is take a page out of McCarthyism and basically threatened Trump supporters with blacklisting. Tapper gets two thumbs up from hell the current home of Joseph McCarthy.
The radical left are no longer hiding their contempt for patriots and freedom loving Americans. They have declared open war on the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence. They have gone out of their way to steal an election with massive voter fraud in the 2020 electoral process and don’t seem to have the least bit of concern over being caught in the act because they believe theirs is a righteous cause for the accumulation of power over the lives of the “little people.”
Let me close with this thought. After the Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and were unsuccessful at destroying their main target, the American aircraft carrier fleet, which happened to be out on secret maneuvers that day, which Japanese intel failed to intercept; Naval Marshal General Isoroku Yamamoto wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Take note radical left in America. You may think you have won a battle but you already have lost the war. Yes, you have and are causing great destruction and harm to the American ideal of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” But, all you have really accomplished is awaken a quiet sleeping Silent Majority into an angry roaring lion. If nature has taught us anything it is you never back an angry lion into a corner. The lion is awake, its loose, its hungry for justice and it is coming for all those who wish to “change” or tear down this great G-d ordained nation.
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