I was watching Tim Pool's podcast tonight as President Trump was on the CNN Town Hall and they kept ragging on him for talking about the rigged election. It really pissed me off listening to them say that Trump was hurting himself by constantly referring to the 2020 election as being rigged and how while there were irregularities in the ballot counts in various States Trump was only digging himself into a deep hole by talking about it. What in the hell is wrong with these fucking people? The election was rigged, we saw LIVE on election night November 2020 how cameras caught ballot stuffing, closing down polls early and bringing in fraudulent ballots at 3AM across the country, ballot counting machines rejecting Trump votes and adding tallies to Biden's and so on and on and on. When the moderator asked if Trump would stop referring to the rigged election he answered "of course, unless I see a rigged election," in 2024. That was a perfect and appropriate answer for th...