Only TWO REAL Choices

I cannot support certain Republican candidates for President and they will never have my vote.

Getting rid of Biden is just part of the problem. We need to remove all the political elites, be they Democrat, Republican or Independent. They do not now, nor have they ever had this nation's best interest at the core of their being. They are, for the most part, a part of the establishment political/media machine that is literally ripping this nation apart with their divisive ideological agenda. I will list those elites that are currently running:

On the Democrat side:

Joe Biden/Kamala Harris

waiting in the wings - Gavin Newsom, Michele Obama, Bernie Sanders (Independent)

On the Republican side:

Asa Hurtchinson

Mike Pence

Chris Christie

Nikki Haley

Ron DeSantis (follow the money with this one)

In my opinion that only leaves two viable non-establishment, non RINO, non-Lefty Dem candidates to choose from:


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