
Showing posts from November, 2023

Why HaShem Allows Jews to Suffer


FAKE AI images that support anti-Israel/Jew hatred in the Israel/HAMAS War


King David Forgiven Without a Blood Sacrifice


The Irrationality of Jew Hatred


A Word To the Wise and a Notice To the Nations

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." Worldwide media and governments; you need to wake up.

What is Judaism - What Is A Jew


Pirkei Avot - from Rabbi Hillel the Elder II:

More flesh, more worms. More things, more anxiety. More lovers, more illusion. More maids, more exploitation. More servants, more robbery. But ... More Torah, more Life. More learning, more wisdom. More counsel, more insight. More charity, more peace. Acquire a good name, and you acquire fame, but acquire wisdom, and you acquire eternity, awakening to Reality in the timeless moment of the eternal now.

HaShem Floods HAMAS Tunnels in Gaza


7 major differences between the anti-Israel protests and the pro-Israel rally today at the National Mall

From X: @Efune 7 major differences between the anti-Israel protests and the pro-Israel rally today at the National Mall: 1. Nobody was assaulted. 2. There were many American flags. 3. There was no racism or bigotry. 4. Nobody was hiding behind a face mask. 5. Concern was expressed for innocents on the other side. 6. It was bipartisan. 7. It was much, much larger!

Shmu Answers Viewer Questions


Writer Coleman Hughes Explains What Started the Israel-Hamas Conflict on Joe Rogan


How Far Have We Come (over the last 3300 years)?


Equity vs Equality

“Love your neighbor as you do your self” [Leviticus 19:18] Some people espouse an unrealistic concept of equality. The simple fact is that people are not all equitably endowed, and hence there are people whom we value above others for a variety of reasons. Yet, (as stated by) Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok of Pshis’cha, such distinctions do not permit us to slight someone we consider to be of lesser stature (of lesser equality). Although our hearts and eyes have a far greater value than our toes and fingers, we are nevertheless very protective of the latter. To love your neighbor as your self means to accord the least of men (equity) the same respect (equality) that you do to the least of your self. — Rabbi Twerski

Intent Is At the Core

Having ascertained that the negative information is accurate, that the perpetrator was not justified, and that reproof has proven unsuccessful (thus making it clear that there is a legitimate need to relate the information), one final condition must be met before the information can be conveyed. The speaker must be certain that his sole intent is l’toeless (gain, advantage), for a constructive purpose. However, if he knows in his heart he is pleased to cast the perpetrator in a bad light, he is not permitted to speak — even though the purpose cannot be accomplished any other way. It is lowly to enjoy speaking negatively — even for constructive purpose. This is especially challenging when one is required to speak about a person with whom he does not get along. It is necessary to first eradicate any negative feelings toward that person, and only then can the negative information be spoken. “If a word is worth one coin, silence is worth two.” - R’ Yehoshua Sefer Chofetz Chaim