
Showing posts from January, 2024

Look Up "Idiot" in the Dictionary: This is What You See

Wonder if he would step to the head of that line to be sacrificed for planet Earth? Not likely. He is a special kind of stupid.

The Bible Series: Part 3 - The Why


Sina Drums & Friends - Zeppelin Cover of "Kashmir"

Best Led Zeppelin cover of "Kashmir" I have ever heard. So happy to see my great grandchildren's generation getting in touch with the classic music of my generation and doing it so well and with such feeling and talent. Now I know the joy my parents must have felt when I really got into Billy Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Gershwin and Duke Ellington when I was a kid in the early 1950's. ENJOY!

The Bible: Part 2 - The What & When


Well, This Just Happen at Davos

Love this - Young man telling it right to their faces:

100 Days!


The Bible Series: Part 1 - The Who


Hamas is Trying to Commit Genocide, Not Israel


Why Are They Coming To America and Elsewhere?

That's easy to answer. To bring chaos, become martyrs for their god and cause as much death and destruction as possible to "the Great Satan" - the United States of America, "the Little Satan - Israel," and everywhere they place their feet. Don't believe it? Then look where they have lived or migrated to in the past -- Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Gaza, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Europe. It's now America's turn on their hit list.

The Bible - The Elohim, et. al.

What do you think about the most published, bought, read and studied book in the history of the world? That book is called The Bible in English and The Tanach in Hebrew. It consists of 3 main sections: The Torah (Pentateuch), The Nuvim (Prophets) and the K'tuvim (The Writings). As well known and important this book is to humanity in general and to the Jewish people in particular, what you may be surprised to learn is that this remarkable feat of literary genius is not really about G-d at all. In the following video from two of this age's scholarship - famed (or infamous) literary translators Mauro Biglino and doctor of theology author Paul Wallis spend 4 hours taking a very deep dive into this amazing book by taking us on a journey of discovery over the literal, non-spiritualized, theological agenda driven key words found in the Bible. While it may be long, if you are a seeker of both Facts and Truth, then you will not want to miss even one second of their presentation.

Ask Yourself This Critical Question


Europe WAKE the HELL UP
