
Showing posts from February, 2024

Who You Gonna Blame?

Of Course!

You Are G-d's Temple


I'm with Adam. How about you?


Trump An Insurrectionist?

I spent almost 2hrs last night listening to the oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the issue of if President Trump can be removed on individual State ballots citing Amendment 14 Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution with Trump's arguments centering on the Griffin's Case of 1870 and then the counter argument for removal of Trump from the ballot from Anderson representing the State of Colorado. While I found the entire thing quite fascinating I walked away wondering if this was nothing for than a shit-show. Why did I wonder that? Well, the entire Griffin Case centers on insurrectionist not being allowed on a State's ballot. The entire reason for Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was to ensure that Confederate members could not serve in Federal offices as officers of the United States post Civil War and mainly to keep men like Jefferson Davis from serving in any capacity, be it President or a member of Congress in post-Civil War America. However, what seems to be mute to me...

Stay Away From Religion
