I must confess that I have been guilty of this most despicable of transgressions against HaShem and my fellow. Sadly, being on social media makes it so easy to fall into the trap of evil speech without being aware of the snare until being pulled in by it. “Evil talk (lashon hara) is so grievous a sin because it kills three people: the one who speaks evil, the one who listens to evil talk, and the one who is being slandered.” (Erechin 15b) Gossip and slander are grievous sins…People (including myself) who would never consider willfully violating any other law of Torah do at times fall prey to this insidious sin. As Rabbi Twerski has reminded me lashon hara is “as grievous as the cardinal sins of idolatry, adultery and murder, all taken together.” So, I had to ask myself, especially in light of my activity on social media platforms, how do I avoid such evil speech (gossip, slander)? To this I found truth and enlightenment in the words of the Baal Shem Tov: “Simply do not t...